Download a copy of my CV here.
Download a copy of my 2 page professional resume here.
Ph.D. in Instructional Systems Technology, 2023 (expected)
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
M.S. in Applied Statistics, 2022 (expected)
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
B.S. in Applied Statistics, 2016
Brigham Young University, Provo, UT
Academic Positions
Graduate Research Assistant, Center for Research on Learning and Technology, 2020 - 2022
Funded by NSF grant #1561655
Program Directions: Krista Glazewski, Cindy Hmelo-Silver
Graduate Instructor, 2019
Indiana University, Department of Instructional Systems Technology
Program Director: Anne Leftwich
Research Assistant, 2014 - 2015
Brigham Young University, School of Life Science
Program Director: Jamie Jensen
Professional Experience
Data Scientist, Pluralsight 2022 - Present. Product and R&D focused data scientist with experience taking data science products from ill-defined business problems all the way to production in cloud enviornments. Focus on combining in-house NLP and embeddings with pre-trained and generative ML tools to create world class AI solutions.
Instructional Designer, Qualtrics 2016 - 2018. Designed and presented trainings and certifications on survey, dashboarding, and analytics software in both online and in-person contexts. Other responsibilities included internal UX strategy and customer feedback analytics.
Product Specialist, Qualtrics 2015. Customer support and design of online support pages.
Awards & Fellowships
Measurement Fellow (2021). Sloan Equity and Inclusion in STEM Introductory Courses.
2021 IU Travel Award. ($250) Indiana University Graduate and Professional Student Government.
2019 Eric Duval Scholarship ($1000), Society for Learning Analytics Research.
2019 - 2020 L.C. Larson Award for Professional Development ($550 - $1200). Department of Instructional Systems Technology, Indiana University.
Faculty Doctoral Fellow (2019- 2022). Indiana University School of Education.
Proffitt Graduate Fellow (2018-2019). Indiana University School of Education.
2015 Barry Goldwater Fellowship Nominee. Brigham Young University.
A design-based research approach to implementing an artificial intelligence toolkit in an in-person classroom. (2021-2022). Proposal funded by the Jerrold E. Kemp Instructional Systems Technology Fellowship Fund. $1000. Principal investigator.
Creating a predictive learning analytics model in line with instructional design practices. (2019-2020). Proposal funded by the Jerrold E. Kemp Instructional Systems Technology Fellowship Fund. One year grant, $1750. Principal investigator.
Indiana University
- Co-instructor, P622 Discourse Learning Analytics, Fall 2021
- W200 - Using Computers in Education, Fall 2019.
- Saturday Science Spring 2020, 4-6th grade: The Science of Sleuthing
Corporate and Private Instruction
- Employee Onboarding - Initial training on Qualtrics software for over 300 new Qualtrics employees in a 40-hour course over two weeks.
- Qualtrics Certification - One and two day certification courses on Qualtrics survey, statistical, and voice-of-the-customer software.
- Crash Course in Survey Design with Qualtrics - Online course hosted on 1000+ students.
Service Activities
Academic Reviewing and Editing
- Review Team Lead, Instructional Systems Technology conference, 2021.
- Copy Editor, International Journal of Design for Learning (2020 - 2022).
- Instructional Systems Technology conference, 2020-2021.
- Association for Educational Communications and Technology International Convention, 2020.
Other Service
- Hospitality Team Lead. Instructional Systems Technology conference, 2019 & 2020.
- President, BYU Analytics Club (2015 – 2016)
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
Phillips., T. Saleh, A., Ozogul., G. (2022, under revision). An AI toolkit to support teacher design and reflection. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education.
Ozogul, G., Zhu, M., Phillips., T. (2022, in press) Student perceptions and actuals of cognitive presence: A case study of an intentionally designed asynchronous online course. Online Learning Journal.
Saleh, A., Phillips, T., Hmelo-Silver., C., Glazewski, K., Mott, B., Lester., J. (2022, in press). A learning analytics approach towards understanding collaborative inquiry in a problem-based learning environment. British Journal of Educational Technology.
Phillips., T., Ozogul., G., (2020). Learning Analytics research in relation to educational technology: Capturing Learning Analytics contributions with bibliometric analysis. Tech Trends (2020).
Buxton, A., Jensen, J., Wright, G., Bybee, S., Phillips, A., Phillips, T., Steadman, M., (2020). Spiders or Butterflies? Despite Student Preference, Gender-Biased Lesson Models do Not Impact Interest, Attitude, and Learning in Biology. Advances In Social Sciences Research Journal, 7(4), 87-101.
Conference Proceeding Publications
Phillips, T., Saleh, A., Glazewski, K., Hmelo-Silver, C., Mott, B., Lester., J. (March, 2022). Exploring the use of GPT-3 as a tool for evaluating text-based collaborative discourse. Companion proceedings to the 11^th^ international learning analytics and knowledge conference.
Housh, K., Saleh, A., Phillips, T., Glazewski, K., Hmelo-Silver, C., Lester., J. (June, 2021). Designing for equitable participation in collaborative game-based learning environments. The annual meeting of the International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Phillips, T., Saleh, A., Lee, S., Mott, B., Glazewski, K., Hmelo-Silver, C., Lester., J. (April, 2021). Comparing natural language processing methods for text classification of small educational data. Companion proceedings to the 11th international learning analytics and knowledge conference.
Phillips, T. (2021) Educational digital data analytics, five factions and four philosophical divides. Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Association for Educational Communication and Technology, 2020.
Conference Presentations
Phillips, T., Jeon, M., Jantaraweragul, K., Kown, K. (2021, November). An exploration of the relationship between social media usage and undergraduate school satisfaction. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for Educational Communication and Technology, Chicago, Il.
Phillips, T. (November, 2021). Discovering foundational topics in educational technology research via citation network analysis. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for Educational Communication and Technology, Chicago, Il.
Phillips, T. (November, 2021). Evaluating the effectiveness of natural language processing methods at detecting topics in noisy student data. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for Educational Communication and Technology, Chicago, Il.
Sankaranarayanan, R., Collier, J., Arslan, O., Phillips, T., Alvardo-Albertorio, F., Bal, I., Dolowitz, A., Shames Ud Duha, M., Marcell, P., Michela, E., Shaffer, E. (2021, November). Bibliometric Analysis of peer-reviewed literature on Microlearning from 2005 to 2021. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for Educational Communication and Technology, Chicago, Il.
Phillips, T., (May, 2021). A method for projecting assessment difficulty to lecture material. Indiana University’s 3rd Annual Learning Analytics Summit.
Phillips, T., Saleh, A., Lee, S., Mott, B., Glazewski, K., Hmelo-Silver, C., Lester., J. (April, 2021). Understanding user profiles and group dynamics in an online collaborative learning environment using trace data. 2021 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association.
Phillips, T., Ozogul., J.L. (2020, November). Creating a predictive learning analytics model in line with instructional design principles. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for Educational Communication and Technology, Virtual.
Phillips, T., (2020, March). Challenges in exploring education content with natural language processing. Presentation at the annual Instructional Systems Technology conference, Bloomington, IN.
Phillips, T., Ozogul, G., (2019, October). Learning analytics research in education: Capturing the emergence and impact through a bibliometric approach. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for Educational Communication and Technology, Las Vegas, NV.
Phillips, T., Jensen JL., (2015, August). Lab work or class work? Students show preference for hands-on learning in undergraduate biology. Presentation at the annual Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research, Minneapolis, MN.
Book Chapters
Phillips, T., Lachheb, A., Sankaranarayanan, R., Abramenka, V.. (In Press, 2021). Learning analytics as a tool for improvement and reflection on instructional design practices. In J. Stefaniak, S. Conklin, B. Oyarzun, R. Reese (Eds.), A practitioner’s guide to instructional design in higher education.
- R. Keras, statistical and machine learning models, API, tidyverse, Rshiny web applications.
- Python. Proficient with Pandas, Sklearn, NumPy, TensorFlow.
- SQL, HTML/CSS, C++. Working knowledge.
- NLP Methods. RNN, Transformers, GPT-3, BERT, Word2Vec.
- Learning and Instructional Theory. Adaptive scaffolding, self-guided learning, distributed cognition, socio-cultural theory.